New York Brain & Spine Surgery, P.C. announces the launching of the Center for Cognitive Health (CCH). The Center will be located in the same office at 4 Westchester Park Drive, Suite 325 in West Harrison, NY focused on the treatment of those patients with cognitive decline or similar diagnosis.

Center for Cognitive Health
4 Westchester Park Drive, Suite 325
West Harrison, NY 10604
(914) 618-4446

Dr. Abrahams developed an interest in Cognitive Treatment since as a Neurosurgeon he commonly evaluates concussion patients. Although concussion is on the rise within contact sports, there still remains a question regarding the best treatment options for the condition. In addition, after the Covid Pandemic, patients began complaining of Brain Fog and related cognitive ailments. Over the past year, he researched the area in preparation for the launch of a new and innovative program.

This past September, Dr. Mark Herceg, a clinical Neuropsychologist with a background in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), was hired as a Co-Director with Dr. Abrahams. The Center evaluates a number of different patient profiles besides TBI and Concussion. This includes those patients with mild cognitive impairment secondary to brain tumors, stroke, cancer, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease to name some of the more common ones.

He also recruited Dr. Timonthy Pulverenti who obtained his doctorate in Neuromodulation and was hired as Director of Research and Data Science. Dr. Pulverenti manages testing modalities, data acquisition, and Neuromodulation research in all new patients evaluated by the Center.

The program offers evaluations from a Neurobehavioral and Neuropsychological perspective. Patients are then entered into a full testing program and depending on their results, can be remediated through a computer therapy program in the office or at home.
This is one of the first programs in the region and we are looking to expand north to Poughkeepsie and east to Stamford, CT. The Center is focused on data and providing the best care models available with a goal of making as much of the care remote to make it easier on patients who may not have transportation to the center.

Please call (914) 618-446 or email [email protected] for questions, appointments or referrals.